Itinerary n°1 Zornive

The Movement Tracks may only be used by people with the required technique, physical condition and equipment for ski touring, including emergency equipment (avalanche transceiver, shovel, probe). Please stay on the marked routes to avoid the danger of avalanches.

Each hiker ascends and descends at his/her own risk and responsibility. All hikers are subject to the FIS rules and must follow the SKUS guidelines (Swiss Commission for the Prevention of Accidents on Snow Sports Slopes).

The slopes and downhill runs are closed outside of opening hours and may not be used. Grooming machines with traction cables - danger of death! Only the resort and the persons responsible for the safety of the lifts and groomers may open the slopes and downhill runs to ski tourers.

The Nax Region Tourist Office declines all responsibility in the event of an accident. Please follow the safety instructions.


To the ski area


The "Zornive" itinerary starts at the Espace Loisirs Mont-Noble in the village of Nax. Using this fully signposted itinerary, you can first climb up to the restaurant la Dzorniva. Cross the fields behind Tsebetta following the same route as the snowshoe trail. At the “Beaupin” road, leave the snowshoe trail to go up a field. Cross the second road to go up to a second field that will allow you to reach the chairlift road. Cross the road (without skis) and take the path just in front of you. Climb on the footpath in the forest of Grand Essert. Don't miss the path on the right which will take you directly to the bottom of the Planards slope. Follow the track for 100m on a slight downhill slope and then cross it to take the path that climbs south-east in the forest of Grands Pras under the Zornive. Cross the track directly to take a small path. At the crossroads, leave the road to go directly under the baby lift (it is also possible to go up the road to reach the edge of the slopes). Join the restaurant la Dzorniva by the edge of the slope.

download gpx

The downhill is done by another way :

Download GPX return path

To see too