Itinerary n°4 Pralovin

The Movement Tracks may only be used by people with the required technique, physical condition and equipment for ski touring, including emergency equipment (avalanche transceiver, shovel, probe). Please stay on the marked routes to avoid the danger of avalanches.

Each hiker ascends and descends at his/her own risk and responsibility. All hikers are subject to the FIS rules and must follow the SKUS guidelines (Swiss Commission for the Prevention of Accidents on Snow Sports Slopes).

The slopes and downhill runs are closed outside of opening hours and may not be used. Grooming machines with traction cables - danger of death! Only the resort and the persons responsible for the safety of the lifts and groomers may open the slopes and downhill runs to ski tourers.

The Nax Region Tourist Office declines all responsibility in the event of an accident. Please follow the safety instructions.


To the ski area


The itinerary "Pralovin" begin in the "Prarion" parking in Vernamiège. Go up by the forest road to the "Plan des Gouilles" and then by a footpath to "Pralovin". In "Pralovin", follow the itinerary that goes north around a quiet area. Beware, an uphill track may leave in the direction of the quiet zone: do not follow it! Through a beautiful larch forest join the crossroads of paths at the 2050 point. At this point, cross the track as directly as possible. Join "Le Chiesso" at 500m to the east, through clearings keeping more or less the same altitude.  

download gpx

The downhill is done by another way:

Download GPX return path

To see too