GeoTour Nax Région

Nax, Vernamiège, Mase propose you a treasure hunt in its historical, tourist and natural places...

Discover this game of piset with the family, between friends or solo. It is accessible to everyone and all year round.

Your mission is to discover the 15 caches in the three villages of the Nax Region, you can start in any village and do it in order or disorder. You can start in any village and do it in order or in disorder. Allow one day for the visit or several days.

You can download your passport here.

It is also available in front of the Tourist Office.

Souvenir prize !

At the end of your tour and once your passport is complete you can stop by the Tourist Office to receive a small souvenir.

C'est quoi le Geocaching ?

How to play ?

Download the Geocaching application and find our GeoTour of the three villages using this GT4DF code.

TO APP STORE                            TO PLAY STORE

Discover the other GeoTours in Valais :

GeoTour of Fully                 GeoTour of Sion