The Goatstable

Until the 1960s, goats were part of Mase community life.

Until the 1960s, goats were part of Mase community life. In the morning, after milking, the goats were brought to the stable and then looked after by the goatherd who was responsible for grazing them. In the evening, each owner came to the stable to find his flock to take it home for the evening milking. Today this building laid out over two storeys is dedicated exclusively to promoting heritage and culture by offering painting, sculpture, photography, engraving exhibitions and other displays.

Rejoindre l'écurie des chèvres de Mase pour découvrir des expositions?

A seulement 25 minutes en voiture de Sion, capitale du Valais, l'écurie des chèvres se trouve dans l'une des ruelles du village de Mase.

Horaires de l'Ecurie des Chèvres

Toutes les expositions sont à découvrir à l'écurie des chèvres de Mase du vendredi au dimanche de 17H à 19H

