Pasture of La Louère

The Louère or Mase mountain pasture located above the village of Mase welcomes you (in summer) to its sunny terrace, its cottages or to buy some of its products. In winter, the pasture of the Louère is closed due to avalanche risks. This pasture usually opens between June and mid-October, depending on the weather conditions.

Significant transformations were undertaken in June 2012. These works made it possible to offer spacious and pleasant premises both at the refreshment point and in the guest rooms.

Please contact the Pasture before setting off.

Summer program

Eating at the Louère mountain pasture

The refreshment bar has been completely renovated.

Its objective is to introduce you to local products. Come and eat here. Whatever the time, you will find many cheese dishes, desserts, suggestions "based on market availability". 

Sleeping at the Louère mountain pasture

Come admire the view, recharge your batteries by spending a night or more at the Louère gite. Enjoy the comfort of 6 individual lodgings.  Each lodging on the Louère or Mase alpine pastures includes a bedroom with a double bed, a mezzanine with two to three beds and has its own bathroom.

Sale of local products

There are many local products for sale at the Louère pasture or the Mase pasture: 

- Raclette cheese
- Tommes
- Sérac cheese
- Butter
- Cream

For more information, contact Mr. Georges Fellay, the farmer, on +41 79 696 90 03