Swin'Dance and Theater

Discover the Swin'danse and the Theater in Nax, Mont-Noble. Lessons for children, adults, groups, couples ... The pleasure is waiting for you!

Discover the Swin'danse and the Theater in Nax, Mont-Noble. Lessons for children, adults, groups, couples ... The pleasure is waiting for you !

Theatratical Course

I have a training in dramatic art followed at the conservatory of Nice then in cycle professionalizing at the school of the Game in Paris. I also played in a semi-professional Impro-contre troupe in Tours for 3 years as well as several months in the improvisation troupe of Gap. In the past I had the pleasure of creating and playing a play for young audiences in Lyon and at the Festival d'Armoy, "Le Voyage d'Adeline", but also of giving improv lessons to children and artists. adults with disabilities.

Swing Course

Several years ago, I started Lindy Hop and Charleston with Swing & Shout in Tours and I danced in Lyon as well as in Reunion with La Panthère Rose. Before the pandemic, helped a Nepalese friend to give lessons in Kathmandu, at the Alliance Française. I would like to share with you this passion full of joy and good humor that makes feet dance and makes hearts smile!