Mayens des Praz

The Mayens des Praz picnic place in Mase is available to walkers.

The Mayens des Praz picnic place in Mase is available to walkers. Les Mayens des Praz include: Fixed tables and benches, cutlery, barbecues, playgrounds and toilets.

You can get to the Mayens des Praz picnic place in Mase :

  • by car via the Mayens road. The lower access is closed by a padlocked gate.
  • on foot from the water intake, 10 minutes from the chemin du bisse.

2 places available on 2 different levels:

  • Sector A, lower level: 4 covers, 2 fireplaces, maximum 56 places
  • Sector B, upper level: 2 covers, 1 fireplace, maximum 28 places