Au fil de Soi

Au fil de Soi - Sonia Morand brings your potential to life through life coaching!

"Growing up is not enriching yourself with something new, but discovering what is already inside." (Alexandre Jollien)

Thanks to Sonia Morand, life coach, you will ask yourself the right questions for a good relationship with yourself. Over the course of yourself, you will be coached on your personal development because the person most influencing our quality of life and with whom we are in constant contact is yourself.

Sonia Morand


Sonia Morand - life coaching

Graduated as a coach practitioner in helping relationships and life coaching, by the Human Health Center in Monthey in 2017, Sonia Morand will know how to accompany you in your most difficult times and bring you support, presence and warmth.


Coaching de vie


Why life coaching?

Do you want to be happy, develop yourself, make a change or just regain your balance? Life coaching, by Sonia Morand, will bring you all these solutions.

